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Introducing 3D Printed Solutions

Although I have had a 3D printer for some time, I have not offered any of my designs commercially, but that is changing. As I have developed more items over time for personal use, there has been requests made to me to sell some of them. Over the years, I have found that I have…

Recent Projects

Ah long time no update, what gives? Busy is the best way to describe it. But I will share with you some of my recent projects that are in development! First of all, is a controller for a 110VDC GRS 2A semaphore. This was a more challenging controller to construct than the ones I have…

Sports Board (LED 32×64 Matrix and Raspberry Pi)

I recently got motivated to do a project I have wanted to do for a while. One of my friends is an avid sports fan, so for Christmas I decided to make up a nice little gift for him. I have a few older Pi2s lying around so I figured why not try making the…

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